Feature Presentation - Product Videos

Immediately many products with product videos are displayed. Click to go back to the tab "Product Video". Is not present this tab, (yet) a video is available.


The Videos may be to tutorials, reviews or demonstrations.


With priority is explanation-consuming and high-priced products are provided.
With this new feature, we can combine our own videos with foreign video (eg from manufacturers) and thus describe the items as accurately as possible or represent.

The number of articles is provided with video will increase continously course in future.


A big thank you we would like to take this opportunity to our IT agency that has implemented this feature for our needs.

Our own videos are the way to our own YouTube channel, We would appreciate if you subscribed to us.


If you have any ideas or suggestions how we can improve, you can contact us anytime. We welcome all suggestions!


Your Fechtner Model Team

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